DriftersMC – Top Club on riderclubs.com website!

About the Drifters:
The Drifters’ Motorcycle Club, formerly The Desert Drifters, is an independent motorcycle club made up of riders from Southwestern Utah. The club was established in 1998 and underwent a name change in 2000, as the name Desert Drifters had been incorporated by a club in the Northwest. We are an eclectic yet remarkably congenial group of people, banded together by our love of motorcycle touring and our conviction that riding is best enjoyed when it is shared. We assume and expect that all of our members are equipped and capable of riding safely under all road conditions and that they will conduct themselves appropriately and sensibly at all times.
The Drifters take great pride in the character and riding skills of our members while at the same time remaining sensitive to the diverse riding styles of our members. Our group activities include but are not limited to monthly dinners and scheduled rides ranging from day rides in the local area to extensive rides ranging up to a week or more in duration. On average, there is one day ride and one extended ride each month. Members may take part in as many or as few rides as they wish. We ride a year-round schedule (weather permitting). In addition, members are encouraged to “call” rides at any time they wish. Our organization is all about riding. Club administration tasks are minimal and decisions are made by consensus whenever possible. Those decisions required for club operations are handled by a single business meeting held in January of each year; additional matters are handled during the year by the executive committee. Those interested in applying for membership in The Drifters MC should fill out the “Contact Us” form and we will have someone get in touch with you.
Welcome Drifters MC
Welcome to the Drifters MC web site. The goal of this site is to provide a place to disseminate club information, post ride schedules and events, as well as monthly newsletters, pictures and more. It is my goal to make this the point of reference for the Drifters. I hope you enjoy it and find it useful……Webmaster
by webmistressdawn