Category: General Saturday Meet-up at Zion Harley Davidson 10:30 am

Saturday Meet-up at Zion Harley Davidson 10:30 am

October 5, 2024

Drifters have been meeting up at Zion Harley Davidson for years!  We get together, look at bikes, bs, have coffee and a donut and ride if the weather permits.  Zion HD doesn't care what type of bike you ride.  Just show up, have some fun, tell some stories and go for a ride.  We usually meet between 10:30 and 11:00 am on Saturday and the group decides when and where we'll ride.  No RSVP necessary.  See ya there!

Zion Harley Davidson
2345 N Coral Canyon Blvd
Washington, UT 84780
United States

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