November 2, 2024
This is it! Our once a year Annual Meeting where Drifters gather to eat, socialize, vote for new Officers, and plan next years rides and events. Don't miss it! We're holding this year's Annual Meeting in November (previously held in January) for a couple of reasons... November weather is much nicer, and since David and Tammy Long have so graciously offered their home for our meeting, we should be able to take advantage of their beautiful patio!
More details will follow about address, time and potluck items. All members, prospects and friends on our email list will receive an email with those details. If you are not a member of The Drifters and are interested in learning more about our club, please go to the Contact Us page on this site and send us an email with your contact information. We will be in touch ASAP and give you details.
See you there!