December 2024 Newsletter
Presidents Message
Well, you didn’t vote me out, so I guess I’ll need to continue to write these messages until you do.
Our annual business meeting was a huge success, thanks to everyone for the great turnout and attendance. A special thanks to David and Tammy Long for hosting again and opening up their beautiful home to our roudy gang. Lots of great food, drinks, and desserts.
We now have a Vice president (in case I get assassinated!:) Thanks to Scott Blue for accepting his nomination.
Thanks to the other officers and volunteers for continuing on in their positions, even though a few have expressed their desire to fulfill this year and be released. We had a few members express their willingness to learn what it takes to do some of the work these officers and volunteers are now doing to try to ensure a transition for them next year.
A reminder that this week is David’s last ride for several weeks as he is about to have knee surgery and will need sometime to recover. Scott Blue will assume Head Road Captain duties whle David is out. God speed on your recovery David.
I haven’t heard a recap about Thanksgiving dinner yet, hopefully Mike or someone in attendance will pen one soon, I’d love to hear how it went.
I ventured over to Moto United on Tuesday, I was researching some Christmas presents for myself. I heard some of you made it over there on Saturday. Steve, did you get a new Bike? Doubtful since there still were no new bikes on display yet, I was told they have 30 new Indians still in boxes.
Our annual Christmas party is fast approaching, it is Saturday the 14th at 5:00pm and it sounds as if all the preparations being made will insure it’s going to be an event that you do not want to miss.
We will begin 2025 with our annual Polar Bear Ride on January 1st, this should be a lot of fun.
Unfortunately, I spend a lot of time up in Salt Lake this time of year, as that is where most of my family is and they (for some reason) want me around. So, I will see you all when I can during the holidays.
I hope everyone has a wonderful Holiday season, and you get to spend time with those closest to you as we look forward to the new year.
Happy Holidays!
Upcoming events:
12/5 – Drifters weekly ride
12/7 – Coffee & tall tales, possible lunch ride, Zion Harley
12/7 – Las Vegas Showdown, 2024 Crusin 2, Las Vegas
12/12 – Drifters weekly ride.
12/14 – Coffee & tall tales, possible lunch ride, Zion Harley
12/14 – Drifters Christmas Party
12/19 – Drifters weekly ride
12/21 – Coffee & tall tales, possible lunch ride, Zion Harley
12/26 – Drifters weekly ride
12/28 – Coffee & tall tales, possible lunch ride, Zion Harley
1/1/2025 Polar Bear Ride to Las Lupes in Mesquite
by webmistressdawn